Tuesday 25 August 2009

Gannon's Law

by Peter Wilson
A Black Horse Western from Hale, August 2009

When Sheriff Jim Gannon’s wife-to-be Kate is gunned down by a sniper it triggers off a chain of events that brings the lawman into a bitter conflict with bullying Jack Clayton and his sons. Gannon is drawn into a web of treachery, robbery and murder involving stolen Union gold and a mysterious renegade Confederate soldier – Clay McIntire.

Only after tracking down the outlaw gang and learning of their secret past does Gannon realize that his life is in danger from friend and foe alike. But does the knowledge come too late?

Peter Wilson’s second Black Horse Western is just as good as his first Guns of Virtue, filled with well-drawn characters and vivid descriptions. From the opening sequence you’ll be sharing Gannon’s frustrations and then his grief to the loss of Kate. As the story unfolds so the various plot twists will hook the reader and you have to begin to wonder how Gannon can emerge victorious and avenge Kate’s death. Many of the characters aren’t quite whom they seem to be either.

Peter Wilson’s writes in an easy to read style and moves the plot forward a break-neck speed that includes an exciting flashback to events set during the Civil War that provides the backbone to the story.

Gannon’s Law strengthens my belief that Peter Wilson is an author worth keeping an eye on. This book has an official release date of August 31st but is available now from many Internet booksellers.

1 comment:

Jo Walpole said...

I like the sound of this and will have to get hold of a copy.